Dori Henry, a seasoned policy and communications strategist who is leaving her post next month as chief of staff to Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski Jr. (D), is joining forces with Alexandra Hughes, the former chief of staff to state House Speaker Adrienne A. Jones (D-Baltimore County) and the late Speaker Michael E. Busch (D).

Henry is set to become senior vice president of Blended Public Affairs, the firm Hughes started after she left the legislature. Henry’s addition is another a sign of the firm’s steady growth since Hughes launched it in 2022.

Current clients include US Wind, MCB Real Estate, Anheuser Busch and the William Julius Wilson Institute, a national anti-poverty think tank.

“We are so thrilled to welcome Dori to Blended,” Hughes said. “Dori is a powerhouse and her local, state and federal communications, political and executive management experience are second to none. She brings tremendous value to our team and elevates Blended to another level in the DMV.”

Henry has worked for Olszewski since he took office in 2018, becoming chief of staff in September 2022 after stints as his communications director and deputy chief of staff. Olszewski is heavily favored to win a congressional seat in November and leave the county executive’s job.

“From the moment we took office, Dori has been an integral partner in every major initiative our administration has undertaken and has been an invaluable leader in our work to build a better Baltimore County,” Olszewski said. “Our communities are stronger today because of her unwavering commitment to innovative, accountable government and her passion for public service.”

Prior to her service with Baltimore County, Henry oversaw communications for the Bloomberg American Health Initiative at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, served as assistant secretary for public affairs at the U.S. Department of Labor, and held roles at the U.S. Department of Justice, the Maryland Department of Health and the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation. Besides Olszewski, her ex-bosses and professional mentors have included Tom Perez, for whom she worked at the DOJ and state and federal labor departments, and Josh Sharfstein, the former Maryland health secretary.

Henry, who began her career as a journalist but has spent most of the past two decades in government, said she’ll be able to apply what she’s learned in her new position.

“Obviously my background is largely in communications and more recently, strategy – political strategy and community engagement,” she said.

Henry added that Hughes will be one of her first women bosses.

“I think our skills are aligned, and this is a good opportunity to try something new with someone I really respect,” she said. “She’s already been a strong foundation. I’m excited to help her grow.”